Monday, February 9, 2015

The Modern Day Samaritan

The story of The Good Samaritan is one of the most popular parables told by Jesus. 

A man traveling down from Jerusalem to Jericho fell into the hands of thieves. The man was beaten, wounded and left nearly dead. A priest passing by the road, avoided the man by going to the opposite side of the road. Similarly, a Levite passing by the same road just looked on at the beaten man and continued on the opposite side of the road. However, a Samaritan showed compassion to the beaten man. The Samaritan bound the man’s wounds, clothed him, fed him, offered him a drink, and brought him to an inn to give him rest. (Luke 10:29-37).

Levites and Samaritans do not like each other. Jews and Samaritans despise each other. 

In our modern life, we often pick and choose who we help. Genuine giving and helping is not everyone’s usual practice nor in everyone’s intention. Often, we choose to give and help based on what’s convenient for us. 

Last month, January, the group Beatus Ad Infinitum (BAI), delivered its first giving project. The goal was to give toiletry kits to underprivileged children, which include homeless, abandoned, and juveniles. In addition, a light snack was provided to all recipients. 

The day of giving took place in three different locations. First was at the Social Development Center/Tahanang Mapagpala in Caloocan. Second was at the Yakap Bata Holding Center, which is behind the Caloocan City Hall. Third was at the open quadrangle in front of Caloocan City Hall.

Beatus Ad Infinitum prepared a total of 233 toiletry bags for distribution in the following facilities:

(Each bag contained one or two of the following: soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, small towel, and cologne. In addition, each bag contained a juice drink, a cupcake and a candy. Also, 300 pieces of assorted breads were distributed on the day of giving.)

First stop: Social Development Center at Caloocan City North - There are two buildings in this center. The first one is for homeless/street children/abandoned children. Ages 14 and below (mixed gender). 95 children received bags in this facility. The second building (Tahanang Mapagpala) houses some homeless boys. There are old people too in this building mixed with the boys. 15 people received bags in this facility. The building is obviously neglected due to the inadequate condition of the following: (a) rooms: inadequate beddings, inadequate ventilation; (b) kitchen: needs a new refrigerator, proper kitchen sink, a proper kitchen counter, a working kitchen in general; (c) roofing/ceiling: the roofing and ventilation is in dire need of repair, the structure is close to collapsing ; (d) the front yard and backyard: needs to be cleaned up and organized, which can be used for outdoor activities. This place is in dire need of repair and maintenance.**

Second stop: Yakap Bata Holding Center (3rd floor). This is the center for juveniles. Ages 9-15 boys and girls. The holding area is in the same floor with a divider for boys and girls. According to Mona, the social worker, no photos are allowed in this holding center due to pending cases against these children. There were 30 kids in this holding center. The facility is in a terrible condition. No beds, no proper bathroom, no table, no chairs, no electric fan, no air-conditioning, no mosquito nets or anything. The social worker informed us that the following items cannot be given directly: toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo container, bar soap. Toothbrush cannot be given directly because the kids find a way to sharpen it and use it as a weapon. The shampoo container can be used to store drugs and also sharpened to use as a weapon. Toothpastes are usually emptied and used to store drugs. Bar soap can also be used as a weapon. The social worker informed us that they will be responsible in providing those items when the kids need it. This place is depressing and sad. **

Third stop: Caloocan City Hall open area - There were 93 children who received the bags in this distribution. The volunteers have prepared the list of recipients. Many of the recipients are street children. Some children are homeless with their parents. A group of street children are part of the welcome committee for the Papal visit. They were included on the list.  They presented us a song number, which they performed during Pope Francis' arrival on January 15th.

We can all be a “Modern Day Samaritan.” We can give and help in our own way whether in a small way or in a big way. The intention is to give and help.

Give and help without expectations.
Give and help from the heart.
Give and help not because you will be credited for what you do.
Give and help not because you will be recognized for what you do.
Give and help not because there is something in return.
Give and help without prejudice.
Give and help not based on belief system, race, age, sexuality, civil status, political affiliation or relationship, just like how the Samaritan helped the man on the road, and not knowing whether he is a Jew or not.

(** Please note that these were first hand observations and information gathered by the writer. This is not meant to demean or offend anyone, but rather to call the attention of those who are in charge.)
Social Development Center Caloocan City

Children waiting for the distribution of goods

The joy of giving....

Tahanang Mapagpala

The sad state of Tahanang Mapagpala

Tahanang Mapagpala, in dire need of repair and maintenance.

Vincent, one of the recipients at Tahanang Mapagpala.

Yakap Bata Holding Center 

Yakap Bata Holding Center

The joy of giving in front of the Caloocan City Hall (open quadrangle).

Children lined up to receive goods.

Children lined up to receive goods.

Group of streechildren presenting their song. These children were part of the Papal Welcome Committee.

The joy of giving.